Though there are flashes of impressive action sequences, overall, it is a cheesy B-movie that has a cast too large for its scope. Characters are poorly developed. They are as dull and hollow as dummies. The screenplay and editing are horrible beyond belief.
悲剧版雨中曲 二刷了70mm胶片版是一些梦想成为part of something bigger但终究没有被包容的故事结局很标志的Chazelle的残缺美Manny以为电影是自己的解药却陷入something even bigger — loveJack有为业界创新的理想却醒悟自己只有在昨日的世界才是主角今日和未来都容不下他他留下巨额小费给服务生说未来是你们的黯淡但不无释怀地离去在胶片里和荧幕中不朽Sidney趁着有声片兴起飞黄腾达因为种族问题愤然离开在俱乐部里为曾经的时代和旧识吹奏镇魂曲 manny的表白te amo te amo te amo无疑是皮特和凯利的I love you乘n的回响麻花影视在线观看视频只是这次我没有爆笑而是泪流了